Starting a consulting business can be extremely daunting, especially when you are trying to figure out things like your niche, target customers, and what services to offer.

So, in this post, I’m diving into the three critical areas you need to focus on before launching your management consultancy.


Areas to focus on before launching your management consultancy


1) Define Your Consulting Expertise and Passion


First, consider your skills and passions. What are you good at? What do you enjoy working on?

It’s crucial to align your management consulting services with your expertise and enthusiasm. You can’t be a consultant in a field where you lack skills. Moreover, passion for your work not only makes the process enjoyable but also shines through to your clients.

Consider your qualifications and experience. For example, business consultants should have relevant business degrees and practical experience. This credibility is vital, as clients expect you to have a solid foundation in the area you’re consulting in.

But what other great experience do you have in your chosen field?  What is it that you can bring to your consulting clients that will add value?


2) Identify Your Target Audience and Their Consulting Needs


Now you need to focus on your market. Who are your potential clients? Are they corporates, small businesses, or individuals? Understanding your target market is essential. More importantly, ensure there’s a genuine need for your services. It’s not enough to have a great product; your market must recognize the problem your service solves.


Identify Your Target Audience and Their Consulting Needs

You need to identify, very specifically a ‘hungry crowd’ for what you offer.


I once met two young life coaches fresh out of university. While they were bright and enthusiastic, I couldn’t help but wonder if they had enough life experience to coach others. This example highlights the importance of credibility and relevance in your chosen field. Ensure there’s a market for your expertise and that potential clients recognize the need for it.


3) A Clear Offer and Valuable Services


Lastly, define your product or service. What exactly do you offer, and is it easy for potential clients to understand? Avoid jargon and make sure your value proposition is clear. People need to immediately grasp the benefits of your service.


A Clear Offer and Valuable Services


Your offerings should provide significant value and be priced appropriately. For instance, I offer a diagnostic tool for a reasonable fee, providing clients with a valuable report on potential business issues. This entry-level product leads to more in-depth services, creating a natural progression of offerings. This “ascension program” allows clients to start with a basic service and gradually invest in more comprehensive solutions as needed.

It helps to have a clear ‘Elevator Pitch.’  If you haven’t come across that term before, imagine you are riding an elevator with your perfect client.  They ask you what you do. And you only have a few seconds to explain it before arriving at your floor.


Think of it in terms of:

We help …. (typical client type)

By …. (what your service does)

Providing them … (the benefits and value you deliver)


Building Relationships and Continuous Innovation


Beyond these three areas, your ability to manage and build relationships is crucial. It’s not just about selling a product; it’s about building trust and delivering consistent results.


Building Relationship in Consulting


Continuously develop new products and services to stay relevant and offer fresh value to your clients.

In summary, when starting a consulting business you need to understand your skills, know your market, and offering clear, valuable services. These are the foundation of a successful consulting business. By aligning these elements, you can build a strong brand, deliver outstanding results, and continuously innovate.


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