If you’ve ever been involved in a project with external consultants (in your previous corporate life), you probably noticed that they seem to absolutely love PowerPoint presentations. The truth is, we don’t spend hour upon hour making pretty slides for the fun of it...
5 Tips to Aid Your Consulting Customer in Decision-Making
As a management consultant, it’s important to aid your consulting customer to make decisions based on the work you do for her. Without your help in decision-making, the customer has an excuse to shelve your work and pass off the expense as a mistaken belief in your...
Why are Companies Increasingly Turning to External Consultants?
They employ business managers, analysts, IT specialists, and qualified staff members. So why are companies hiring more and more external consultants?
Running a Consulting Business: Are You Really Your Own Boss?
If your interest in starting a consulting business stems from a desire to break free from the corporate rat race and work for yourself, that’s as good a reason as any. Certainly, with your own business, you’re no longer lining the coffers of an employing organization....
Do I Need Consulting Experience to start my own Consulting Business?
OK. Do I Need Consulting Experience to start my own Consulting Business? One way to get experience in consulting is to first join a consulting firm, to ‘learn the trade’. And that can certainly help. I did that for 2 years before I started my own...
How to Get Help and Support as an Independent Consulting Startup
You’ve taken the leap and launched your long-dreamed-about independent consultancy. Due to your reputation and flair for business, clients are knocking on your door. But you find yourself overwhelmed by the endless small tasks associated with running your startup. Where do you turn to for help?
Where to Learn the Ropes for Being an Independent Business Consultant
So, you want to learn how to break into the consulting profession as an independent? Many entrepreneurs do. Some take degrees. Others take online courses. Many opt for hands-on experience with a large company as a starting point. No one, however, can avoid the experiential school of hard knocks.
What is the Difference Between a Consultant and a Contractor?
The lines have blurred over the years and the terms ‘consultant’ and ‘contractor’ are now often used interchangeably. By definition, however, these two business professionals perform very different tasks, although the consultant can, in some circumstances, also do the work of a contractor.
Should I be a Consultant or a Contractor? What’s the difference?
This is another question I get asked a lot. And most people don’t appreciate that the two are quite different. In very simple terms, let me explain it this way. A Contractor, is basically just like an employee. A hired hand to do a specific job or...
What is the Difference between a Coach and a Consultant?
I raised this question with an online group recently. What IS the difference between a Coach and a Consultant? You see most of the people in the group are Coaches. But I see myself as a Consultant, not a Coach. And that got us talking. What do yo think the difference...