by Rob O'Byrne | Mar 6, 2020 | Start Consulting, Tips on Consultng
In my previous post, I took you briefly through the whys and wherefores of using Microsoft PowerPoint and explained why it’s such a popular application with management consultants. PowerPoint is the medium you will use to deliver much of your communication when...
by Rob O'Byrne | Feb 28, 2020 | Consulting Clients, Tips on Consultng
If you’ve ever been involved in a project with external consultants (in your previous corporate life), you probably noticed that they seem to absolutely love PowerPoint presentations. The truth is, we don’t spend hour upon hour making pretty slides for the fun of it...
by Rob O'Byrne | Feb 21, 2020 | Consulting Clients, Tips on Consultng
As a management consultant, it’s important to aid your consulting customer to make decisions based on the work you do for her. Without your help in decision-making, the customer has an excuse to shelve your work and pass off the expense as a mistaken belief in your...
by Rob O'Byrne | Feb 12, 2020 | New Businesses, Start Consulting
There is a good reason that consultancy is now a $250 billion (US) growth industry: companies and businesses across the world are employing external consultants like never before. And it is for this very reason that more and more consultants are quitting corporate...
by Rob O'Byrne | Jan 31, 2020 | New Businesses
If your interest in starting a consulting business stems from a desire to break free from the corporate rat race and work for yourself, that’s as good a reason as any. Certainly, with your own business, you’re no longer lining the coffers of an employing organization....